Intec, ARGUS 240 - Optical xPON tester

GPON,XGS-PON,Fiber,WLAN and more

Varenr: 124002

ARGUS® 240: The optical xPON tester
The new ARGUS® 240 optical xPON tester delivers improved performance for testing mixed optical fiber accesses. The high-quality multifunction tester is ideally equipped for the expansion of future networks.

Modern design and new housing concept
Its robust design combines the requirements for a compact hand-held meter in daily field use with the performance of a highend tester. The ARGUS® tester with touch-screen display enables intuitive navigation of the familiar ARGUS® menu structure. Thanks to the use of numerous graphical elements, the redesigned GUI makes this sophisticated multifunction tester as easy to use as a smartphone. An innovative internal help function supports rapid, reliable interpretation of test results.

Tests on mixed optical fiber accesses
The ARGUS® 240 reliably tests GPON and XGS-PON interfaces in the uncompromising quality you have come to expect. It is also equipped with a wide range of further interfaces and test functions, such as WLAN, speed tests, triple play and many more.

Additional features
The integrated WIFI interface enables the ARGUS® 240 to communicate with its environment directly - a PC link is no longer required. Once integrated in your job management system, the ARGUS® 240 marks the advent of a new generation of broadband testing.