Meinberg GPS180 receiver with display

DIN-rail mount, inc.antenna and 20m coax

Varunummer: GPS180
Alt. varenr: 00026411

GPS180: GPS Satellite Receiver with LC-Display and Control Elements

Product Description
The frequency locking of the master oscillator to the GPS system enables the module GPS180 to generate fixed and programmable standard frequencies with very high accuracy and stability. Various oscillator options allow to meet different requirements concerning the accurracy of the outputs in the most cost efficient way.

The pulse generator of GPS180 generates pulses per second and per minute. Four programmable outputs are available. The pulses are synchronised to UTC second.

Up to four serial interfaces are available for sending time strings. These ASCII telegrams include information regarding time, date and status of the GPS receiver.

The module provides two inputs for measurement of asynchronous time events. These capture events are shown on the LC-Display and can be read via a serial interface.

The front panel integrates a LC-Display that shows information regarding the GPS receiver in different menus. In combination with four push buttons it is also used to setup all configurable parameters.