
Outdoor or indoor use.
For use with single wire armour ‘W’, wire braid ‘X’, aluminium strip armour ‘Y’ and steel tape armour ‘Z’ elastomer and plastic insulated cables.
For particular use with cables that exhibit 
‘cold flow’ characteristics.


Provides armour clamping using  one clamping arrangement for all armour/braid types.
Provides a 
diaphragm seal  on the cables inner sheath which will not damage cable that has  ‘cold flow’  characteristics.
Provides an outer deluge seal to prevent moisture ingress to the cable armour/braid.
Provides a cable retention and low smoke and fume, zero halogen seal onto the cables outer sheath.

Materials & Finishes

The 153/Universal cable gland is manufactured in Brass (standard), Nickel Plated Brass, 316 Stainless Steel or Aluminium. Brass NPT entries are nickel plated as standard.

Technical Data

  1. Construction and Test Standards:
    EN 62444, BS 6121 : Part 1 Type E1W, E1X, E1Y and E1Z.
  2. Ingress Protection:
    IP66, IP67 and 
    IP 68  (30 metres for 7 days) to IEC/EN 60529.
  3. Operating Temperature Range:
    -60°C to +80°C
  4. Deluge Protection to:
  5. Assembly Instruction Sheet:
    AI 372 (Sizes Os to F).
  6. AI 303 (Sizes G to J).


Entry Thread
Cable Acceptance Details ‘G’
Metric NPT
Inner Sheath'A' Outer Sheat'B' Armour / Braid ‘C’ Across
Standard Option Min. Max. Min. Max. Orientation 1 Orientation 2
Os M20² ½" - 3.0 8.1 5.5 12.0 0.8/1.25 0.0/0.8 61.6 24.0 26.5
O M20² ½" - 6.5 11.5 9.5 16.0 0.8/1.25 0.0/0.8 61.6 24.0 26.5
A M20 ¾" ½" 8.4 14.3 12.5 20.5 0.8/1.25 0.0/0.8 63.0 30.0 32.5
B M25 1" ¾" 11.1 19.7 16.9 26.0 1.25/1.6 0.0/0.7 69.9 36.0 39.5
C M32 1¼" 1" 17.6 26.5 22.0 33.0 1.6/2.0 0.0/0.7 73.2 46.0 50.5
C2 M40 1½" 1¼" 23.1 32.5 28.0 41.0 1.6/2.0 0.0/0.7 77.9 55.0 60.6
D M50 2" 1½" 28.9 44.4/42.3¹ 36.0 52.6 1.8/2.5 0.0/1.0 93.5 65.0 70.8
E M63 2½" 2" 39.9 56.3/54.3¹ 46.0 65.3 1.8/2.5 0.0/1.0 94.0 80.0 88.0
F M75 3" 2½" 50.5 68.2/65.3¹ 57.0 78.0 1.8/2.5 0.0/1.0 103.0 95.0 104.0
G M80 3½" - 67.0 73.0 75.0 89.5 2.0/3.5 0.0/1.0 90.6 106.4 115.0
H M90 3½" - 67.0 77.6 75.0 89.5 2.0/3.5 0.0/1.0 90.6 115.0 130.0
J M100 4" - 75.0 91.6 88.0 104.5 2.5/4.0 0.0/1.0 90.6 127.0 142.0
All dimensions in millimetres (except * where dimensions are in inches).

¹Smaller value is applicable when selecting reduced NPT entry option.
²Sizes Os and O are available with an M16 thread size. For O size with M16 thread, the maximum cable outer sheath diameter is 10.9mm