JTAG controller Agilent Pin Card with 4 Tap's, Max 40Mhz

JTAG controller Agilent Pin Card

with 4 Tap's, Max 40Mhz

Varenr: JT3707/APC

JT 37x7 for ICTs / FPTs
For many ICT or FPT integration applications JTAG Technologies supplies customized versions of its JT 37x7 controllers. Either a single “slot card” is used onto which the entire instrument and pod assembly along with isolation relays are designed, or a customized version of the signal condition system QuadPod (see below) is used together with a JT 37x7 unit in one of the standard formats. The JT37x7/APC is a single slot card solution for the Agilent (Keysight) ICT. For integration with testers from Digital Test the JT 37x7/DPC single slot card is supplied. The customized versions of the QuadPod for integration with other testers are detailed below.