Meinberg IMS-SCGB Studio Clock Generator

25pin female DSUB, 4 x DARS

Varenr: IMS-SCG-B
Alt. varenr: 27534

This module is not only designed for our IMS series and generates various audio frequencies for studio applications. The SCG module can also operate in our 19-inch rackmount and 1U Multipac chassis.

Key Features

  • 25pin female connector, 4 x DARS, IEC 60958-4 format 
  • Wide range of programmable word clock rates between 24Hz – 12.288MHz
  • Base Frequencies: 32kHz, 44.1khz and 48kHz
  • Scales: 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256
  • Base Frequency * Scale = Output Frequency