Aaronia A2000+ (tissue)

20dB RF Screening Tissue

Varunummer: 602/012
Alt. varenr: 602012

Aaronia Shielding MaterialsAaronia A2000+ Series 20dB RF Screening Tissue

Reduces RF emissions from outside, e.g. mobile phone or other communication networks.

Aaronia offers an inexpensive and easy to handle shielding, even for the layman: The Aaronia shielding fabric A2000+. It simultaneously protects against high-frequency (HF) and low-frequency (LF) electromagnetic waves.

Responsible for the good shielding effect is a fabric
concept based on interwoven stainless steel threads and a special conductive coating. The fabric is easy to handle and install. It can be bent or folded without damage, is tensile strength, frost-resistant, does not rot, is breathable and can even be laid in plaster or concrete. It is therefore also suitable for outdoor use and replaces the regular reinforcement fabric.

The Aaronia shielding fabric A2000+ can be used to shield single rooms or entire houses and buildings. It is laid in adjacent strips, which should overlap by approx. 15 cm to create a closed surface. For high-frequency shielding, the material does not need to be grounded! However, for safety reasons, we generally recommend grounding with our “grounding package”, since the fabric is conductive due to the metals it contains. In addition, low-frequency electrical fields, such as those from power lines or high-voltage lines, are also reduced at the same time.


  • Usable in walls or concrete
  • Replaces reinforcement fabric
  • Can be handled like cloth
  • Very easy processing even for the novice
  • Frost-proof
  • Stainless
  • Paintable
  • Rot-proof
  • Foldable