Danphone GMDSS -AIS Test Set

Futronic MKII GMDSS-AIS Test Set

Varunummer: GMDSS-AIS

Danphone introduces Futronic MKII - the successor to the renowned Futronic test box serving classification authorities, equipment manufacturers, radio inspectors and maritime service providers worldwide.

Testing VHF/MF/HF DSC radios, Cospas-Sarsat EPIRBs, NAVTEX receivers, AIS Class A and B transponders, AIS AtoN transponders, AIS-SARTs and Radar SARTs as laid down in SOLAS convention 74/88 and specified in IMO resolution A.948 and circulars 1040 and 1252.

The Futronic MKII GMDSS test box enables testing of:

  • MF/HF/DSC radios
  • VHF DSC radios
  • NAVTEX receivers
  • EPIRBs and PLBs

The Futronic MKII GMDSS-AIS test box enables testing of:

  • MF/HF/DSC radios
  • VHF DSC radios
  • NAVTEX receivers
  • EPIRBs and PLBs
  • AIS transponder
  • AIS AtoN
  • AIS-SART & MoB device

The ultimate ALL-IN-ONE test box. It enables testing of:

  • MF/HF / DSC radios
  • VHF DSC radios
  • NAVTEX receivers
  • EPIRBs and PLBs
  • TELEXAIS transponder
  • AIS AtoN
  • AIS-SART & MoB device
  • Radar SART