501/453 RAC
by Hawke

The 501/453/RAC cable gland provides two independent seals on armoured elastomer and plastic insulated cables. The first is a flameproof seal on the inner cable sheath, with an additional IP seal on the outer sheath. This cable gland come with our Reversable Armour Clamp (RAC ring) for use with single wire armour ‘W’, wire braid ‘X’ and steel tape armour ‘Z’ elastomer and plastic insulated cables. The cable gland is dual certified Exd and Exe and is suitable for installation in Zone 1 (21) and Zone 2 (22) hazardous areas.
- Provides armour clamping using one clamping arrangement for all armour/braid types.
- Provides a seal on the cables inner sheath.
- Deluge protection option available, contact Hawke Technical Sales for details.
- Provides a cable retention and low smoke and fume, zero halogen seal onto the cables outer sheath.