MACH 1000 Switch for Substation


Varunummer: MAR1020-99NN8xt14x9S
Productdescription:                  MAR1020-99NNTTTTTTTT99999999999999SLLHPHHXX.X.
Hirschmann item code:              943-940-999
Switch:                                   MAR1020 Fast Ethernet
Ports GE 1+2:                     99      empty
Ports FE 1 > 2:                   NN      2 x Multimode
Ports FE 3 > 4:                   TT      2 x Twisted Pair
Ports FE 5 > 6:                   TT      2 x Twisted Pair
Ports FE 7 > 8:                   TT      2 x Twisted Pair
Ports FE 9 > 10:                 TT      2 x Twisted Pair
Ports FE 11 > 12:                99      empty
Ports FE 13 > 14:                99      empty
Ports FE 15 > 16:                99      empty
Ports FE 17 > 18:                99      empty
Ports FE 19 > 20:                99      empty
Ports FE 21 > 22:                99      empty
Ports FE 23 > 24:                99      empty
Temperature:                        S       Standard 0° C to +60° C
Power supply 1:                    L       pluggable 24/36/48 VDC
Power supply 2 optional:       L       pluggable 24/36/48 VDC
Approvals:                            H       UL508 ship German Lloyd, Substation IEC61850-3, Substation IEEE1613
Software:                           P: Professiona, Enhanced software plus security, extended diagnosis and redundancy
Customer specific configuration:  H       Hirschmann standard
Customer specific type:               H       Hirschmann standard
Software release:                        XX.X.   Newest release