The Keithley Instruments Model 3706-BKPL Analog Backplane Extender allows external analog signal connections directly to the Model 3706 backplane. This is useful as a DMM calibration input and for external instruments such as the Series 2600 System SourceMeter™, function generators, and counters, as well as to daisy-chain additional Model 3700s in series.
Maximum Signal Levels
Input: DMM-HI / LO, DMM-SHI / SLO, and A3-HI / LO through A6-HI / LO: 300V DC or 300V RMS (425V peak for AC waveforms) 3A, 60W, 125V between any terminal to terminal or terminal to chassis.
Input: AMP and AMP-LO: 3ADC or 3A RMS (4.25A peak for AC waveforms), 250V peak between terminals or terminals to chassis.