Keithley KickStart Software
Drive innovation through faster test & measurement with KickStart Software. KickStart simplifies what you need to know about the instrument so that in just minutes you can take the instrument out of the box and get real data on your device. By plotting data immediately and offering quick statistical summaries of the data in the reading table, KickStart allows you to gather insights faster and make the decisions you need to move on to the next stage of device development. KickStart enables you to focus your time on interpreting the test results so that your team can meet its innovation goals.

Beyond Keithley arbitrary function generators, power supplies, data acquisition instruments, digital multimeters (DMMs) and source measure units (SMUs), KickStart can also be used as oscilloscope software to control Tektronix bench oscilloscopes.

Key Features

  • KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using multiple instruments
  • Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings
  • Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to independently control up to eight instruments
  • Supports source measure unit (SMU) instruments, DMMs, power supplies, oscilloscopes, arbitrary function generators (AFGs), dataloggers, and sensitive instruments
  • Replicate tests quickly using saved test configurations
  • Use built-in plotting and comparison tools to quickly discover measurement anomalies and trends
  • Auto-export data in ready-to-use .csv and .xlsx formats for reports and additional analysis


  • Device characterization: Characterize materials and discrete components and verify design of electronic modules
  • Datalogging: Reliably log data to the PC; useful for testing device compliance to regulatory or industrial standards