Vonaq Rapidtrace 700

RapidTrace 700 LAN/Wiremap/Cable tester

Varenr: Rapidtrace700

Vonaq’s RapidTrace 700
Is a high performance yet cost effective LAN & Wiremap Test tool that allows users to effciently test and certify structured cabling continuity to TIA568A/B, USOC and ISDN standards

Some of the key benefts and features of the RapidTrace 700 are:
The RapidTrace 700 Identifes all common faults on wiring schemes installed to TIA568A/B USOC and ISDN standards including:
open circuit wires shorted pairs
shorts between pairs crossed pairs
split pairs pair reversals
shield /screen continuity

Prior to checking an installed wiring network, the RapidTrace 700 will alert the
operator if any telephone services are active on the cable under test.

The RapidTrace 700 can also test for, and indicate any other active services
(10Mb/s, 100Mb/s, Token Ring, etc), in order to prevent accidental testing of a
live network.

The RapidTrace 700 will store up to 1000 test results which can be viewed or
be downloaded to a PC via the RapidTrace software provided.

Test results can then be customized with you corporate identity and certi-
cates produced displaying the customer's location/job, length, cable VP and
testing standard.

The RapidTrace 700 displays on screen wiring congurations showing the
length of all 4 pairs and length of pair to fault up to 150m (500ft).

In addition, a built in tone generator (oscillator) transmits a warble tone into
the cable enabling detection and tracing using a standard probe.

The RapidTrace 700 comes complete with one intelligent remote probe, with a
further 15 units available as optional accessories. Unlike far end units on
competitor products the RapidTrace 700’s remotes are intelligent and indicate
if the test has passed or failed